Retrofit and Modernization of Test Stands
Why Retrofit?
Costly investment goods such as test stands are depreciated over the years and decommissioned once they become outdated. But not all parts of a test stand must be scrapped, as some of its individual parts might still function. Nevertheless, components such as PC technology, measurement technology and software tend to become outdated faster. Mechanical components and sensor technology, however, are subject to less wear and can continue to be used.
How and What to Modernize?
In contrast to constructing a completely new test stand, the timely replacement of components can lead to investment savings, as some existing test stand components can continue to be used. As a rule, replacement of measurement equipment components, automation units and control computers can be a simple and economical way of adapting a test stand to new test tasks. This allows the test stand to continue operating safely and fit-for-the-future. Updating components also allows regular maintenance of the installation, because it is based on modern software components with regular updates and bug fixes available. It is also possible to implement new legal requirements necessary for the long-term safe operation of the test stand.
Retrofit with imc
Test stands are operated over very many years and have therefore been designed for a long lifetime. Nevertheless, regular maintenance and adaption to new test tasks and product demands are necessary so that your test stand does not age prematurely. Existing test stands can be modernized with the help of the flexible imc technology platform. This can be achieved either by replacing old third-party systems or expanding existing imc systems. This ensures that the existing installation does not lag behind state-of-the-art technologies. For instance, this might mean retrofitting a new bus system such as ProfiNet, EtherCat, CAN-FD, and so on, in order to be able to control and test new products. As a result of our expert knowledge gained over very many years, we are able to integrate a complete range of systems and therefore make your existing test stand fit for the future.
While doing so, imc examines the modernized test stand to ensure technical safety and also takes care of the documentation required for issuing a CE conformity declaration.
Practical Examples
Current retrofit projects
- Bosch MSP
- SEG starter motor function test stand
- Bosch dynamic load test stand
- Daimler starter motor test stand
- Audi P38 test stand